Stitching Stolen Lives: The Social Justice Sewing Academy Remembrance Project by Sara Trail and Teresa Duryea Wong.
This arrived last week! A beautiful powerful book sharing the stories of lives lost due to social injustice, quilt blocks and quilts created to honor them, and the empowering community work of The Social Justice Sewing Academy.
This is Sara Trail, one of the authors, founder of The Social Justice Sewing Academy, quilter, a powerhouse for Good and Justice in this world, and only 26 years old! This young woman has already done more than I can even dream of accomplishing in my lifetime.
I'm very honored to have the blocks that I stitched in honor of Michael Brown and Cameron Lamb included. (You can read more about the making of these blocks by clicking on the "Social Justice Sewing Academy" category at the bottom of this post.)
You can order your own copy here (100% of royalties are being donated to the Social Justice Sewing Academy). Please visit the SJSA website to learn more about their important empowering community work.