Yesterday I stitched a star. The first in a week.
When I got home last Monday, there was a lot of laundry and picking up to do. Chores had been ignored by all of us for the last few weeks. We all kind of threw in the towel and just got through... I didn't stitch at all for a couple of days. There was putzing, tidying, show watching... dinners were cooked.
After a couple of days of nothing, I continued quilting on the woven blanket. It was on the end of the couch, right where I left it.
Each night I would fall asleep thinking, "Tomorrow I'll get back to making pieces, blogging, instagram, get focused, get going..." And then another day of just quilting would happen.
Friday I went up to the bookroom. The room where you can't see the books because of all of the stuff that all of us have thrown into it over the last decade or so. Using Moon's bedroom as a staging area, I pulled out a couple of boxes, started sorting, got overwhelmed, went back downstairs and went back to quilting.
"You have until Monday," I told myself.
On Saturday, K said that his sister wanted to borrow something, did I know where it was? We dug around in the bookroom piles...nope. Which could only mean that it was in the basement. Sigh. It's in about the same state as the bookroom, plus twenty years. (There was a big clean out some years ago, but still... this nest is anything but empty.) I headed down.
And I've gone down for an hour or two each day since. The thing was found! The car trunk is full of donations... with many more trunk loads to go, but it's a start. Photos and question marks are sent to the boys, piles are left in the living room for K to decide about when he gets home, and "Donate!" has been the reply most of the time. We are all ready to let go.
And this morning, a blue pen was used. It was sitting there, I reached for it, but then thought, no, it's always the black pen, size S. An unwritten rule. A pause happened, and then a realization that I made the rules, and could change them, or just break them. A small thing, but still not so easy for this OCD soul.
There are more pieces to these stories, but I'm still not focused, my thoughts are scattered all over the place, or gone altogether, but I'm good.
And today this piece was finished.
It's about making one's own magic.