There has been a lot of self-reflection, and some being stuck in it.
And another round of Covid. Fortunately, it was a mild short-lived case with only one day of fever. (Noticing that my inner beast looks like a sad, sore, scary tooth. A subconscious connection to my teeth issues?)
On day three, tired of being tired (following a very good pity-party), I sat down to watch Carla Sonheim's yearlong class videos. There was doodling, experimenting, and thinking about grids.
It was a lot of fun. (Yes, I'm still playing with combining aquamarine, ocher, and black paints.) I find her workshops inspiring, approachable, and comforting. They encourage me to try new things and think about making in different ways.
Which led to this color wheel piece. (I love color wheels- the idea of them, their usefulness, and how beautiful they are.) Over and over again, trying something new adds layers to the cloth work.
Switching things up can create a shift everywhere.
Circles that were traced.
"In Theory"