Five years ago, I started knitting these hats and scarves to donate. It was a way to use up some of my early yarn spinnings and hopefully do a little good in the world. Well, I didn't get very far, and there was no good done until this week.
In an effort to clean up a little (and to avoid doing the things I should've been doing), I came across the bag buried in the corner that they've been living in. I had got it into my head that ALL of the yarn needed to be knitted up before donating them. Also, two different friends had made two different suggestions as to where to donate them, meaning I would have to choose between them, or knit more hats, so that there were enough for everybody... Meanwhile, the project went by the wayside, and nobody got wool things.
But, they were found again, and K. knew of a woman who works at the YWCA, so they were promptly gathered and left on her doorstep. Sometimes I make myself crazy with trying to do everything, often resulting in doing nothing. It's good to know they'll finally be useful. There's still plenty of yarn to knit up, and a new hat has been started. I wonder how many years it will take to go anywhere?
There is a growing to-do list.
There is a lot of procrastinating. Sometimes it takes the shape of trees.
Sometimes everything seems doable.
Other days, like the one when I got out the sewing machine, are a battle.
There are gifts to sew. The first one went along ok. I even managed to figure out a new fake-serger-ish stitch to use. The second project, and third...not so good. Things may have been thrown across the room. The machine and I are both on a timeout right now. It glares at me from across the room, I squint my eyes at it and scowl back.
I keep rearranging the things on my table. Trying to get a grip on the chaos. Trying to keep things from toppling over. Trying to carry on with my procrastinating...
Moons and stars help. Especially in Deb's beautiful sky cloth.
I'm not sure if this is about floating or sinking?!