Not a lot of stitching over the last days. A little mending and plenty of wondering about all kinds of things, with some anxieties added into the mix.
I started digging through the studio shelves. Filled three bags- garbage, recycling and donations. A small dent.
Found a few piles of quilt starts, including some that I have no memory of. Wondering if I can just close my eyes and stitch the odds and ends together? Make them into blankets of some sort? Useful, if nothing else.
One very long night with a mosquito circling around my head. Even under the quilt I could hear its whining. There wasn't much sleep the next night either. In fact, I was having a really good dream, movie star included. Just as it was about to get good, I told him I was too tired, that I couldn't keep my eyes open, and fell asleep in dreamland, only to wake up in real life even more exhausted. Drat.
Looking for something to do, that would require no thoughts, I pulled out the spinning wheel. So much dust. Honestly, why I forget how much I love to spin, I don't know.
The glow of yellow skies from the wild fires came back for a couple of days. We're lucky that the air quality has stayed good.
Last night there were two brief rain showers. I ran outside to stand in it. Hoping for real rain on Friday.
Today- wave work. Not how I usually go about starting a piece. Rarely plan so much out at the beginning. It's also a little bigger (9x6") than the usual 4" squares. Not sure where it's going from here...