(*** Friends of ours eat all of their leftovers on the weekends, they call it "Week in Review".)
"Circles Held Her"
Unexpectedly, the houses are still coming. I want to learn some photo collage skills, to create a village of these stories of home for myself.
The evening birds seem much more contented than the morning ones. More songlike, rather than desperate "Let's get going!" tweets. Remembering the mornings of hungry little ones and the rush to get everyone everything and out the door on time.
LOTS of Jude's thread beads happening.
Sometimes I end up feeling dotty from them. Deb's thread and cloth must have had the same dye recipe, and Tina's yellow framing cloth is the icing on the cake.
I've been listening to books from the library while I stitch these days. Finished a lovely middle reader Caribbean fairy-sea-tale yesterday, A Comb of Wishes, and am now partway into Cloud Cuckoo Land. What a change in required concentration level!
A boat stitched while thinking of dearest friend who is out at sea for the next couple of weeks. She leads a life of adventure with new experiences and people at every turn- a glittering existence. In my quiet lamp lit corner, I sometimes wonder how we found and held onto each other over the last twenty plus years?
Walking through Seattle in springtime, it's hard to remember to watch where you're going. I'm often tripping over the sidewalk cracks or getting dizzy from craning my neck to the sky and tree tops.
On Earth Day, someone on Instagram posted their visit to Walden's Pond. I was there 24 years ago last January with K., visiting my sister, and six months pregnant with Blue. The pond was frozen over. I stepped out onto the ice so that I could say that I was on Walden's Pond. K and my sister's guy stood on shore shouting at me to, "Bring the baby back on land!"
"Itzel" Mayan for "rainbow".
Wishing you all a colorful week of glittery things.