First fresh indigo experiment using the salt method. Two leaves, some salt, and a scrap of cotton (it already had some iron or walnut smudges on it) and of silk. Enjoyed the process and results very much, thanks again, Deb!

Played with one in my dream that night. Something I always wanted as a kid (along with Colorforms), but never got.

While working on the turquoise patchwork from the last post, I thought about hot pink and orange. The next day a friend handed me this beautiful silk scarf that had accidently been chewed up by her washing machine. 
It was just the right thing.

The green side of turquoise with shimmering velvet. Her name is "Opal".

Someone shared the story of when their husband first said, "I love you." A very romantic mountain top moonlit moment. Which triggered my own memories... I said it first to K. Sixteen, New Year's Eve, got up my gumption and blurted out, "I realize that I love you!"
His reply, "That's great!" (Heart swelled with hope.) "I realized that I love L.!" (Deflation of heart.) "Isn't this great, all of this love going on!"
No. No, it was not great, but I put on a cheery face, bided my time (knowing that L. was not interested in him), and got my declaration four months later. Boys.

Speaking of boys. Moon has been home a week. He is so in love with math. There are pieces of paper like the above scattered throughout the house, representing his attempts at sharing this passion with us. It may as well be written in ancient Greek. He doesn't understand that we don't understand, so we nod and smile with awe.

It's been good to spending time with Moon, having long conversations, hearing what he's thinking about (besides math), and it's been really useful too.
K. has been struggling with arthritis in his hip, and the fall last January pushed it all downhill. Replacement surgery is scheduled (The first available appointment was in November!). The steep long staircase to the bedroom is too much for now, especially since the only bathroom is on the main floor. I did offer to move out of my studio room, but thankfully his reply was, "There is so much wrong with that idea." So, there's been a mattress and box spring in the living room for the last month or so. Moon helped to move the heavy furniture into a better arrangement. At least now the bed isn't the first thing you see when you walk in the door. 
"Here in the Turquoise Sea"
Yesterday's turquoises. The silk waves on top of the boat were the same as the brighter back wave until they were dropped into the morning tea.
Stitched while singing an old family favorite from when the boys were young. Have a listen here, I'll bet you'll be humming too...
"...They play on the beaches the colour of peaches, there by the turquoise sea, oh, my...under a blue, blue sky..."