Moon's ornament with his favorite blanket scrap.
Baby Moon. K's. The starry sky cloth was a Christmas gift from him in the middle pregnancy with Blue. The green was purchased on the day Moon was born. A friend wanted help making a quilt, so we met at the fabric store. Contractions were happening, but they had been going on for weeks, so I ignored them...stopping every now and then to clutch the fabric bolts to steady myself until they passed. Weeks before, I had asked this friend if she would come to the birth, to be with Blue? Absolutely not was her answer. She had no interest in seeing a birth. Ever. She grew more and more nervous with each contraction, afraid she would be trapped into witnessing Moon's entry into the world.
"Shouldn't you be somewhere else?" "Shouldn't you call someone?" "Shouldn't you..."
Fortunately for her, the quilt fabric was purchased, I bought a yard of this green cloth, and we went our separate ways. I'm sure she heaved a big sigh of relief in her car!