I do love getting caught up in stitches. This time it was in imagining Deb's dyeing taking on a life of its own.
Days are tense with the unknown lately. Weighing risks and responsibilities to each other with emotional needs. And what is a need vs a want?
A new pair of socks. My eyes and mind get a rest in the evenings with knitting, also in the dentist's chair. No one there even bats an eye anymore as I knit while they tend my teeth. We all know that it gets me through.
There was a walk with a friend yesterday. The first in a long time because of twanging my knee a few weeks ago. Very glad to have it back in mostly working order.
She has studied and is passionate about horticulture, and shares a wealth of information- stopping to admire leaf shapes, color combinations and to share the Latin names and uniqueness of each plant, tree, flower. I'm grateful for how she makes me slow down. This is Viburnum trilobum, or Cranberrybush.
The email with the concert link has gone out today. Please let me know if you didn't get it, or if you were missed.