Starting with a small stack of blue, what I thought would be a sea was pieced together. A pink sky was imagined (there is something going on between pink and me lately...). When the blues were stitched, suddenly they were sky like. Ok, a green ground. The green basket was pulled out. Digging until something spoke to me... the map printed fabric, the earth, yep. From there the pinks came together into a sun with reaching rays and blue stitches orbiting.
Those rings of blue are related to a bunch of recent things...
The stars were added without thinking, and then questioned when I remembered that it was a Sun, not a moon. Should the stars come out? (Ha, thinking about how we say that the stars come out at night, meaning the complete opposite.) The stars were left, because they are always there, even when we can't see them, but mostly because I like them. And why should the moon be missing? Why not? The moon came out, too.
Everything is and holds everything these days.