"Heaven's Heart"
These two pieces were stitched through the storms of this week- society's and personal. I have almost no memory of making them, which probably speaks to stress levels. Posts were made here and on Instagram. Posts were deleted. I'm second guessing every move and thought. In the big picture, things are ok here. In the big picture, things are not ok for so many.
I keep thinking of the students at the last school I worked at. Thinking about how many of those young children were living with injustice in many forms. How justifiably angry and/or hopeless many of them felt. I wonder where and how they are now?
These two sky stories will go into the shop tomorrow. 100% of the sales of these cloths will be donated to the Social Justice Sewing Academy ( @sjsacademy ). There are many ways to support this organization- volunteer to stitch a remembrance quilt for families who have lost a loved one to violence, embroider a young person's square, donate, etc. Please take a look at all of the good important work they are doing in "connecting young people with the opportunity to engage with issues of social justice through sewing."