I'm just back from such a good week-plus with my sister, such bad photos on my part, oh well...
We drove from her place in Providence up the coast of Maine. It was my first trip to the state. Really, really beautiful. Loved seeing new views of the Atlantic.
One of the places we stayed had this view at 5:30 am.
There was a bench at one with a plaque that read, "Sit and enjoy the view Doris loved, "The wind was no blyther than she". I did.
Popham Beach was so windy and cold, the sand stood up in little peaks, and it was amazing in every direction.
On another beach we walked and walked.
There were beautiful things,
and unusual,
and clams the size of size 10 feet!
Heading toward our place at the beginning of twilight.
There is more to share, but the ocean... it was at the center of everything.