There were many missteps this week. In cloth- this piece was almost done, went all wrong, couldn't stand it, ripped most of it out, but now it's back in calmer waters. At school- one very bad interaction with two students who were fighting, tried to intervene, only to have them unite against me, and finally realized that it was my own issues that allowed for that to happen. I need to learn when to walk away. There were several other fails with students, and lots of mutterings of, "Maybe I'm too old and grumpy for this?"
Then, on Wednesday, a student, who I haven't had any kind of connection with, was having a bad day. Came in late, couldn't get along with his table mate, was sent to the back of the room, and now he was supposed to write a poem? He was having none of it. The assignment was to write a poem inspired by one of the poems used in Sharon Creech's book, Love That Dog. It's a fabulous book about a boy learning to write and love poetry, and the power of expression that it offers.
This student was not in the mood.
Sitting down next to him, "Which poem do you want to think about?"
"Which one did you like best?"
"Come on….choose a poem."
Rather than looking at the pages of poems in the back, he flipped to the first pages, where the narrator says, "I don’t want to. Can’t do it. Brain’s empty."
"That does sound poetic," I said, undeterred, and copied the lines into his notebook. and then added prompt after prompt, talking fast, about how he felt, wanted to feel, wished for . . . writing down his responses, stopping often to read it aloud to him…talking about rhythm, repetition . . . Until it felt like the end, wrapping it up with a modified version of the opening lines, "Do want to, Brain's . . . ?"
"Really? This doesn't sound empty at all. Listen again . . ."
And after the final lines, "Do want to, brain's . . ."
"Yes, it is! This is beautiful, I feel choked up with its fullness. How do you feel?"
"Good," and his eyes were welling, too. Those moments, and the hug that followed, refueled us both, I think.
J's Poem
Don’t want to
Brain’s empty
Feel angry
Feel mad
Want to feel good
Good like scoring a game winning point
Like getting some new shoes
And seeing my sister winning a soccer game
I wish I’ll be famous one day
I wish I’ll still have a good family
I am going to win the championship one day
I am going to have a family
Do want to
Brain’s full.