"Mom, do you ever start projects and don't finish them?"
"Look at that stack over there . . ."
"So, what do you do?"
"I don't know . . . just keep going along, I guess."
There was also a conversation about not finishing with the woman next to me at singing, about why we don't finish. We came up with thoughts about the thing not going as planned, or in a direction we wanted to follow, fear of the end product not being what we imagined, or my favorite, a new bright and shiny idea comes along.
I've spent the last week sifting through this heap. Mostly, just looking. Lost count around thirty-nine. There are moons, seas, wayward birds, maps, trees, a teapot, and more. And now I know where all of those pins and needles went to. Many of the pieces were made while stitching along with Jude, during her workshops. Some were forgotten along the way, some I don't remember making at all. Maybe I will call this Memory Mountain, as I dig my way through?