The hitchhiker scarf is finished.

I was able to find some roving in similar colors, also by Nest, and then spin up a yard or so to finish off those last stitches that I abandoned last week.

A bit thicker than the original yarn and more red, but it will do.

Much of the knitting took place during singing practices. I just love our singing group (I wrote more about it here). I think I've been a part of it for six or seven years. Being a 2W (an alto who can't always carry a tune, according to my 5th grade music teacher), I was very nervous at first, not wanting to disturb others with my quavering. There were a few comments, "You know, I don't think you're singing the right notes." and, "That wasn't quite right."
I would respond with, "I do know, it's not a choice." or "Yep, get used to it." When a new person would sit next to me I would warn them. Some stayed for a while, some found a new seat the next time.
But then, a couple of years ago a wonderful thing happened. A truly talented singer sat next to me, and wasn't afraid to stay. She's a strong enough singer that my warblings don't throw her. When I'm completely lost and lean my ear towards her, she leans back, and brings me along. Not to mention her terrific personality.
Last week she asked who the scarf was going to be for? I hadn't known, until that moment. "When is your birthday?"
"I'll save it till then."
She thinks I'm kidding.